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Fencing and access infrastructure.

M&G offer a wide range of quality fencing and access infrastructure services to meet your needs, including agricultural, forestry, estate, commercial, amenity, residential and specialist fencing. 


Our team of specialists fencers and purpose built plant and machinery ensure an £-per-metre economy of scale on each job, delivered to a high quality and without delay.


Our fencing clients include local authorities, HS2, Environmental Agency, commercial farms and gaming estates, Wildlife Trust, private businesses, developers and more.


We pride ourselves in using the highest quality materials to give a top-quality finish, be it stock fencing an entire private estate or restored landfill site, tree protection fencing, or installing rustic post and rail alongside a footpath. M&G specialise in ecological fencing including protected species such as badgers and Great Crested Newt fencing.


M&G are also able to offer access improvement and engineering services, ranging from PROW-compliant field & pedestrian gates, bridges and stiles, to compacted aggregate access/haul tracks with culverts and drains, ideal for farms, forests and hard-to-access sites.

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